Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why do people post this shite?


WTF is this crap?

I love the headline... straight away you know this story is bullshit - "Turning physics on its ear - Has college dropout done the impossible and created a perpetual motion machine?"

ahaha, yeah right.

The guy sounds like a fricking idiot.

Thane Heins is nervous and hopeful. It's Jan. 24, a Thursday afternoon, and in four days the Ottawa-area native will travel to Boston where he'll demonstrate an invention that appears – though he doesn't dare say it – to operate as a perpetual motion machine.

The audience, esteemed Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Markus Zahn, could either deflate Heins' heretical claims or add momentum to a 20-year obsession that has broken up his marriage and lost him custody of his two young daughters.

Why are people giving him air time?

Hahaha here's a potential red flag:

Heins has an even greater uphill battle. He isn't an engineer. He doesn't have a graduate degrees in physics. He never even finished his electronics program at Heritage College in Gatineau, Quebec. "I have mild dyslexia and don't do well in math, so I didn't do very well in school," he says.
You'd think after all the retards who can't read their meters properly or calculate real energy in vs out because of difficulty understanding AC power, etc, people would clue up to ignoring these bullshit statements.

Edit: Dan's Data has things covered.

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