Tuesday, March 11, 2008
You have to wonder...
Anne Rice for instance.
The funny thing is, whenever they do, they really go into it hardcore... which makes me wonder if they're just sheep to begin with, and only "believe" in atheism because it's just their latest "thing"...
I would truly love to hear the reasoning though, and how you can pick out just one religion and say "this is the correct one", especially after saying you don't believe in god for more than 30 years.
Edit: After reading her Wikipedia page and pages like this, it's pretty damn obvious Anne Rice is crazy as fuck, so it's not really surprising at all :)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Captain disillusion!
Hahaha wtf... strange but good stuff.
Direct link to his videos is here
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Why do people post this shite?
WTF is this crap?
I love the headline... straight away you know this story is bullshit - "Turning physics on its ear - Has college dropout done the impossible and created a perpetual motion machine?"
ahaha, yeah right.
The guy sounds like a fricking idiot.
Why are people giving him air time?Thane Heins is nervous and hopeful. It's Jan. 24, a Thursday afternoon, and in four days the Ottawa-area native will travel to Boston where he'll demonstrate an invention that appears – though he doesn't dare say it – to operate as a perpetual motion machine.
The audience, esteemed Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Markus Zahn, could either deflate Heins' heretical claims or add momentum to a 20-year obsession that has broken up his marriage and lost him custody of his two young daughters.
Hahaha here's a potential red flag:
Heins has an even greater uphill battle. He isn't an engineer. He doesn't have a graduate degrees in physics. He never even finished his electronics program at Heritage College in Gatineau, Quebec. "I have mild dyslexia and don't do well in math, so I didn't do very well in school," he says.You'd think after all the retards who can't read their meters properly or calculate real energy in vs out because of difficulty understanding AC power, etc, people would clue up to ignoring these bullshit statements.
Edit: Dan's Data has things covered.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
How naive do you have to be?
"I believe he is basically a decent Australian like his father, that we know well, and I don't believe he's ever been a supporter of terrorism."I asked him why he was in Afghanistan and it was quite different to what we've heard about ... (it was) all about trying to help independence movements.
"One of my views has changed completely and that is ... he shouldn't earn any money from this.
"But I've changed my view completely now because he's said he's never supported terrorism and most journalists I talk to and all lawyers say that the particular plea bargain is just terrible because he would have agreed to anything to get out of there (Guantanamo)."
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Man I hate chiropractors
Seriously, why do quacks get any news time at all? Still, this isn't as bad as the page they gave to some psychic about their 2008 predictions. Too many dumbos working in journalism, it kills me.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Speaking of retarded

For the aspiring young assassin, a popular online games site offers kids the opportunity to assume the identity of a leading presidential contender and then shoot their political opponents in a series of armed confrontations in the White House. While the ammo is paintball, the game on the hugely popular miniclip.com site allows kids to train a rifle scope on six presidential aspirants and squeeze off a hail of shots (which are accompanied with a rat-a-tat sound). The game, "Presidential Paintball," features six candidates in the crosshairs: Barack Obama; Hillary Clinton; John Edwards; Mitt Romney; John McCain; and Rudy Giuliani (it seems the game was developed before the ascension of Mike Huckabee). If a candidate wins a head-to-head confrontation, he/she advances to a new shootout, which occurs in various White House settings, including outside the Oval Office. When a candidate gets blown away, bloodlessly, a screen appears noting that they have been "eliminated," not killed. To better direct a fusillade, young gunmen can use their computer's mouse to place a crosshairs on a candidate's head or body. Of course, the imagery of Obama and Clinton, both of whom have been the target of threats and receive Secret Service protection, being targeted in such a manner-by children, no less-might be seen as troubling in some quarters.Play the game here
Found at Level Up
Connex sucks
This article is so right - http://www.theage.com.au/news/opinion/connex-doesnt-like-passengers-and-it-shows/2008/01/22/1200764260974.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1
Xbox is crack for kids
What a fucking joke...
Basically she's saying that because she can't be bothered limiting the time her kids spend playing video games, video games are evil.
Heaven forbid her kids enjoy playing computer games. Who'd have thought kids would want to do easy fun stuff?
It cracks me up how because parents are old and didn't grow up with this stuff they don't understand it... and how we're finally reaching a point where new parents are gamers and will game with their kids.
I wonder what pastime I'll end up railing against when I'm old, whinging about how the kids could be doing something wholesome like playing a video game or on their computer...
Notice how in her story board games are okay but video games are not. Retarded.